Passito Bianco

Sweet White Wine

I.G.T. Terre Siciliane

Certified Organic

Varietals: Grillo and Catarratto

Area of Production: Cammarata (Agrigento)

Altitude: 700 meters above sea level

Exposure: East-facing vineyard

Soil Composition: Sandy soil and sandy rock rich in iron

Vineyard: From 30 to 55-year-old vines, grafted by hand onto wild plants

Training system: Vertical trellis and bush vine

Pruning system: Guyot and bush vine

Harvest: Handpicked and placed in small cases

Vinification: Slow fermentation with a progressive addition of sun-dried grapes.

Aging Process: 7 months in wood barrels, 12 months in bottle

Sensory profile: On the nose, this intense wine offers distinct notes of apricot and candied orange peel. Notes of date weave with fresh aromas of sage and calamint, with a finish of tobacco and of hydrocarbon. On the palate it expresses remarkable acidity that is well-balanced with the sweetness.

Technical Notes:

Alcohol: 12.50%

Storage of wine: In a cool, dry and dark place, stored on their side.

Food pairings: Almond cookies, aged cheeses, fois gras, dark chocolate-based desserts and panettone

Temperature of consumption: 12-14º Celsius

passito bianco
Feudo Montoni di Fabio Sireci - Part. IVA 03959670823