We reap the benefits of our work in the cellar.

The cellar can be:

  1. the start of an itinerary”
  2. the end of an itinerary “

In the first case the grapes are raw material, with the help of which the work of processing aimed to guarentee an enjoyable final product, starts.

In the second case the grapes are the final product of a long work which the vineyardist moves forward in order to obtain fruits of the nature and as soon as they walk through the cellar’s door to be exellent ingredients. It is enough to follow easy and ancient rules in order to achieve “jewels“, sons of its vintage and terroir.

This second case is the one fellowed by Feudo Montoni and it is based on specific choices:

  • we define the dates of harvest by tasting the grapes;
  • the grapes are hand – picked;
  • the grapes are vinified withing 1 hour after the cutting;
  • Mono-varietal wines are produced;
  • spontaneous malolactic fermentations;
  • vinifications conducted at controlled temperatures;
  • red wines are made by manual punching;
  • moderate use of the barrels ( the wood should never overpower the personality of the wines);
  • the natural evolution of the wines is espected
    • Natural tartaric stabilization (winter);
    • natural decantation by gravity;
  • the wines from the 2013 vintage are certified organic.
Feudo Montoni di Fabio Sireci - Part. IVA 03959670823